You need the Ultra Platinum Lifetime Upgrade from JibberJobber

If you haven’t done so already, head over to JibberJobber and get your Ultra Platinum Lifetime Upgrade for only $99. I just did it a couple of minutes ago. If you don’t see the link for the Ultra Platinum Lifetime Upgrade on the site, don’t worry, there isn’t one. So how did I get it? Easy. Here’s the secret. You just log into JibberJobber as you normally would, then at the very top of the welcome screen you will see a link for Lifetime Upgrade for $99. Click that link and then use PayPal to pay for it.

Sounds like the normal upgrade that Jason has listed on his blog, right? So what about the secret? Well that’s just it, the secret is that no matter how advanced, how many levels of premium service there ever are at JibberJobber, with this one upgrade you get the guarantee that you will always have access to the very best there is at JibberJobber. That is why I call it the Ultra Platinum Lifetime Upgrade. If you can think of a better name that connotes a higher level of service, I’ll be happy to call it that. In the meantime, head over to Jason’s site and purchase the upgrade. [Editor’s note: this post was edited to add the picture of Jessica Alba ;-)]

About the author, Chief Executive Restaurant Recruiter

Born in Arkansas, moved to FL for 3 years as a youngster. Lived in GA most of my life. Married in 1985, 2 kids, one of each. Graduate of USNA Class of 1980. Love golf, computers, poker, photography, and gadgets.

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